BHRS at one time was called EPSDT, it is sometimes called Provider 50 Services, and it can also be called Wrap-Around Services. Whatever you this program by it still offers the same services to children and adolescents who suffer emotional and behavioral difficulties and are at risk of being placed outside of the home. It is an intensive home-based service with the goal of supplying the support needed for a child and their family to function effectively upon completion of the treatment program. The treatment team may include a Case manager (CM), Behavior Specialist (BS), Mobile Therapist (MT), Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS), the child’s family, and the child. The family plays a very special role in the treatment team and is encouraged to participate in the services.
Our Philosophy
Behavioral Health Associates, Inc. believes that treatment services should be humanistic, progressive, and patient-centered. We believe that the entire family must be involved in a child’s treatment.
Our Objective
It is the goal of Behavioral Health Associates, Inc. to provide innovative services for children and adolescents through the coordinated efforts of treatment providers, schools, social service agencies, and most importantly, the FAMILY.
Who We Serve
Behavioral Health Associates EPSDT department serves children and adolescents ( 3 to 21 years of age) who are experiencing emotional and behavioral difficulties. BHA does not discriminate in its provision of services with regards to sex, race, creed, color, national origin, religious beliefs, disabilities, or handicapping conditions.