Treatment Team Roles

Treatment Team Roles

Case Manager: the CM or case manager is involved in the initial referral and assessment process. The CM assembles the treatment team for each client, facilitates meetings, and addresses any family concerns as needed.

Behavior Specialist: The Behavior Specialist or BS identifies treatment goals and designs behavioral interventions with the child and their family. Wherever necessary, the BS also facilitates communication with other agencies and services.

Mobile Therapist: The Mobile Therapist or MT provides a therapeutic component within the treatment plan. The MT conducts therapy sessions with the family and child as prescribed.

Therapeutic Support Staff: the Therapeutic Support Staff or TSS works directly with the child to help them accomplish their treatment goals. The TSS reports progress to the BS and adjustments are made to the child’s treatment plan based upon the progress of the child with these goals. Psychologist: A psychologist, licensed by the Commonwealth of PA, evaluates the need for services.